Teen Spends 5 Years Selling Papers Just So He Can Pay for College Himself

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Whatever is making you question, whatever is holding you back, this guy is proof that your life starts today. He wanted to go to college but had no one who would pay for it…so he did. Whatever you want in life, whatever God has called you to do, is going to take sacrifice but will ALWAYS be worth it.

“I just stay away from the negativity and try to always be positive,” Kevuntez King told WHBQ.

Raised by a single mother who knows the importance of hard work and determination.

“She just taught me how to be independent like she had it, (and) she just wanted me to go get it myself,” he said.

Starting at the age of 12 he’d spend every Sunday on the corner selling newspapers for $200 a day. He’s now been accepted and will be attending Tennessee State University with the money he’s saved up.

“When it came down to school, my mom didn’t have to come out of pocket to do anything or I didn’t have to take out any loans to go to school,” he said.

How did he do it? He shared his secret with this powerful quote, “Make sure you surround yourself with people that’s trying to go up in life and not trying to bring you down. Just stay positive and always believe in yourself and push for it.”

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Lairs is the chief of sinners, saved by grace, with a life that just goes to show you God can use anyone.